Must have at least one of the following to obtain this card:
Card issued by an SST Provider to a person who demonstrates that they have successfully completed an OSHA 10 hour class and who is a new entrant to the construction or demolition work force.
Must have the following to obtain this card:
Must have at least one of the following to obtain this card:
Must have all of the following to obtain this card:
Full SST Card (worker)
Expires after five years and renewable upon applicants showing that they have completed eight training hours specified by the Department (see below) in the one-year period preceding submission of a renewal application.
Supervisor SST Card
Expires after five years and renewable upon applicants showing that they have completed 16 training hours specified by the Department (see below) in the one-year period preceding submission of a renewal application.
Temporary SST Card
Expires after six months during which time training must be completed to receive a Limited SST Card or SST Card
Limited SST Card
(Expires August 31st , 2020)
Limited SST Cards will expire on the above date and will no longer be available.